Note: Award Monies are now being processed so winners should receive their awards via email by the first week of June!
Congratulations to all AXON 2020 Presenters. Everyone did a fantastic job, despite the challenging circumstances and the novel virtual conference format. Well done! Our Judges had a difficult task of selecting our AXON 2020 winners. Nonetheless, there are some presentations worthy of extra recognition. We are happy to announce that the awards go to...
Winner of Best Poster Synchronous Talk (live!), Award of $100 + laptop
Tariq Atieh, Richard Cliver, Benjamin Estabillo
Inhibition vs. Excitation in Network Models of Pain Syndromes
Runner-up of Best Poster Talk (live!), Award of $75
Allyson Bazer
The Effect of Chemogenetic DREADD Manipulation in the Ventral Dentate Gyrus of Chronically Stressed Females on the Behavioral Antidepressant Response
Second Runner-up of Best Poster Talk (live!), Award of $75
Richard Cliver
Microfluidics to Evaluate Glial-Mediated Therapies in the Nervous System
Winner of Best Written Communicated Poster & Abstract, Award of $100
Tariq Atieh, Richard Cliver, Benjamin Estabillo
Inhibition vs. Excitation in Network Models of Pain Syndromes
Honorable Mentions:
Best Poster - Asynchronous Talk Category (Video Pre-Recorded)
Tonia Liu
Exercise as a Stress-Intervention Method in a Mouse Model of Autism
Best Poster - Static Category (.JPG Posting)
Tara Shrier
The Deep Dorsal Horn: How Spinal Cord Touch Circuits Shape How We Move